ACLC-D3: “Achieving True Peace together as One Family”

“This is not a white man’s world. This is not a black man’s world. This is God’s world. What matters to God should matters to you and me. And to God all lives matter. We are all God’s children and that’s what makes as a family,” said Rev. Dr. Prescott Butler. He is the pastor of two United Methodist Churches in East Orange and Irvington, and the President of United Clergy of the Oranges and vicinity.

Rev. Dr. Prescott Butler

Rev. Butler was the keynote speaker at the Saturday, June 27, 2020 Prayer Luncheon held virtually in Zoom and Facebook live with the theme, “Black Lives Matter: One Family Under God.” He spoke about the issue of racism and discrimination faced by African Americans throughout American history. He also shared that we should all come together as God’s children and as one family united in love and peace. “When we return to God as a nation, truly under God with liberty and justice for all, then and only then we can find peace and God will heal our land, remarked Rev. Butler. 

Dr. Greg Agulan, ACLC Regional Director Northeast USA opened the program with short video presentation of recent activities and contributions of ACLC to the communities. Rev. Gloria Killings, Dean of Ministers (Union Baptist Church) offered an invocation prayer that lifted the spirits of everyone attending the prayer luncheon.

Bishop Rene Ballenas

Bishop Rene Ballenas, Presiding Bishop of the Association of Christian Evangelists (ACE), hosted virtually this prayer luncheon. He exclaimed, “We are all children of God no matter what color of skin you have, what culture you practice and what faith you belong to.”

Rev. Dr Michael Sykes, state leader of ACLC NJ and pastor of United Missionary Baptist Church enthusiastically welcomed the participants. This was followed by another warm greetings by Rev. Crescentia DeGoede, Co-chair of ACLC District 3 and pastor of District 3 and Clifton Family Church. She passionately shared a message from the memoir by Mother of Peace, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.

Lady Zuumah Gayeman, vocalist and elementary music educator and Bishop Cresente Salera, senior pastor of Christ Chosen Generation of Jersey City, gave heart-warming performances with their rendition of Christian fellowship songs. Minister Yukari Ozawa, outreach coordinator of Passaic County read a Bible verse on 1 John 4:7-12 with the message that God is love. Rev. Dr. Lizzie Alston, pastor of Universal Church of God and Rev. Dr. Prescott Butler shared powerful and spirit-filled prayer for peace and closing prayer. Rev. Dr. Butler emphasized that we need to work together with passion and love in achieving true peace.

The said prayer luncheon was attended by 75 participants consisting of pastors, ministers, and families from District 3 (New York, New Jersey and Delaware).