ACLC Northeast holds a Virtual Unified Prayer for Peace

The American Leadership Conference (ACLC) Northeast, USA conducted a successful virtual unified prayer with the theme, “United as One Working for Peace” on July 25, 2020. A total of 100 participants joined the said event through Zoom and Facebook live.

Dr. Greg C. Agulan, ACLC Northeast, USA Coordinator started the program with a greeting and an introduction to the host and co-host.

Dr. Greg C. Agulan

The program was co-hosted by Rev. Dr. Michael Sykes, ACLC New Jersey Co-Chair and Pastor of United Missionary Baptist Church, and Bishop Rene Ballenas, Presiding Bishop of the Association of Christian Evangelists (ACE). Dr. Lounne Rouse, ACLC National President gave the welcome remarks to all the participants and then an opening prayer was given by Rev. Bismarck Bamfo.

A person looking at the camera
Description automatically generated Rev. Edner Pierre-Louis, ACLC District Co-Chairperson of New York enthusiastically greeted the participants with the emphasis on being joyful in coming together as one family and one community. Another warm greeting was given by Rev. Naokimi Ushiroda, Assistant District Pastor of District 3 (NJ, PA, DE). He shared a passage from the memoir by Mother of Peace, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon about the most important teaching which is the teaching of religions.

Rev. Dr. Madelene Harris, ACLC Delaware State Leader passionately read a Bible verse on Psalms 13:1 NIV. Rev. Bruce Grodner, ACLC National Executive Director enthusiastically introduced the keynote speaker of the unified prayer.


Archbishop Dr. Sulanch Lewis

Archbishop Dr. Sulanch Lewis, ACLC Co- President and Founder of Little Rock Zion International Deliverance Ministries, Inc. NY was the Keynote Speaker of the said program. She began with a passage from Psalm 133:1, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Archbishop Lewis emphasized that unity is not only when going well or going right, it should be all the time. “The true measure of our greatness is in our commitment to serve others. The best way to truly live for yourself is to live for others,” she exclaimed. Archbishop Lewis highlighted the message of the Mother of Peace for us who is a living and breathing example of peace that we need to unite as one Holy Community.

Rev. Dr. Madelene Harris, and Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins, Universal Peace Federation (UPF) International President shared their powerful remark reflections from the message of the keynote speaker. They expressed their gratefulness to the speaker and their resolve to work for peace in unity. Rev. Dr. Prescott Butler, United Oranges Clergy Association President offered a prayer for peace.

Mr. Jessmar Bahian, and Ms. Shawna Lewis, Young Clergy Leadership Conference (YCLC) representatives offered heart-warming musical performances with their own renditions of songs entitled, “True Colors” and “People Get Ready.”

Rev. Barry Geller, Universal Peace Federation Director (New Jersey) gave an announcement  of upcoming events; “Peace Starts with Me Virtual Rally” on August 1st,  and “Peace Road” on August 2nd, 2020 at New Jersey, and “Parents Day” on August 8th at Clifton Family Church.

Rev. Barry Geller

Lastly, Archbishop Lewis offered a benediction prayer. She emphasized that we must work together to build God’s kingdom and we must work together for our Holy Community.

by Mark Dale B. Tero