Empowering Youth, Young Adults & Families in our Community for God

For this week’s prayer luncheon, Rev Shota Iwasaki, Pastor of the Philadelphia Family Church, was invited to speak under the theme Empowering Youth, Young Adults & Families in our Community for God. The issue that Rev. Iwasaki wished to talk about is one that’s most difficult to face but an issue that needs to be addressed. That is pornography.

Currently, according to the Barna statistics that Rev. Iwasaki showed, 62% of students receive sexual images in their cell phones, 72% of Christian young adults seek out porn, 3 of 5 divorces report that the use of porn was a major factor.

Why is this topic important to talk about? As Matt 5:28, it states that “if a man looks at a woman lustfully, he has already committed adultery in his heart. What we invite into our spirit will manifest physically.” In other words, pornography destroys the family. The addicts prefer what they see on the screen and lose attraction to their spouse.

So why is it that only 7% of pastors have programs focused on guiding the congregation about pornography addiction even while they admit that porn is a major issue?

Rev. Iwasaki said that it could be because that the Pastors have their own issues.

“About 70% of pastors admitted to watching porn at least once in a year. 60 to 70% have this problem,” he said. “It is a $12 billion dollar industry and promotes child trafficking where children are kidnapped and forced to perform sexual acts on video. 

A Call to Action was made by Rev Michael Sykes to form a coalition to fight this problem. Resurrection begins in the family and will cause resurrection in the community and government.

“We must save this world; we can’t do it alone,” Rev. Sykes said. “We need you; God needs you, Dr Merriweather and Pastor Smith. This is not a religion; it is a movement. We are not a denomination; We are all part of the same human race. Will you answer the call? Let’s make God happy, and Not as in Gen 6:3 where He repented that He made man. Let’s take back from Satan what belongs to God. Christ is watching us. You may not have this chance again.”

Shame increases as well as secrecy and fear of being judged. The best way to remedy this is to talk about it, expose it and pray about it! James 5:16 says that confession and prayer for each other has power. This will help us become true Christians and Temples of God.