United as One: Defend, Protect & Love One Another

About 53 people attended the ACLC Prayer Luncheon via Zoom and Facebook on March 27th where they heard why it is important for the world to aim for unity.

According to our teachings, our founder, Rev Sun Myung Moon said that he didn’t see Italians, yellow, or Christians. Jesus saw no difference between Samaritans and Jews (Jn chapter 4).

“We worship in spirit and truth. Look past the container and see the contents see one family under the umbrella of the spirit of God. Our content is the same; we are created in the image and likeness of God. Beloved, can we love one another?”

So how did the ACLC members come to term with that?

Rev. Dr. Michael Sykes, our ACLC District Chair of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware said that “Jesus prayed that we might be one in the faith. There is no denomination mentioned in the scriptures. In Gen 13 – 8 says :Let there be no strife between brethren.

Joshua Holmes, Director of YCLC, thanked all speakers present and said that Archbishop Sulanch Lewis is like a mother hen keeping the youth under her wing. He said that youth today need as much protection as possible and that God’s spirit of protection comes through divine unity.

But what is the key for bringing unity?

Dr. Kennard David, the pastor of the Truth Center for Higher Consciousness in Brooklyn, and member of the 172 Clergy and the main speaker, expressed that unity requires a particular action: which was loving one another. In fact, one of the things that Dr. David was impressed with the Unification Members in his community is “demonstration of love to all people.”

“Loving God means nothing if we don’t see God in each other,” said Dr. Davis. “Jesus brought a new commandment to love one another. Everyone who loveth is born of God and knows God.”

Bishop Rene Ballenas appreciated and reiterated the statements made by Dr Davis.

“Let’s not just preach it but do it!” he said. “Let us be mature in oneness.”

Call to Action by Joshua Holmes: YCLC aims to raise a generation who can receive the Blessing of Marriage, to bring youth to God and express God’s love to others. It’s not about ourselves but, as Rev Moon said, it’s about lineage, about the next generations. We are focusing on Piety, Purity and Impacting the world. We want to work together with you and support you to create a body of young Christian ministers. Then we can change this country into the Kingdom of Heaven.