On March 19 2021, we held a blessing Ceremony at Clifton Family Church. We had 4 Ministers couple attended the blessing ceremony. The couples and guests arrived at 3:30pm , We started with the video education by Dr. Hendricks, followed by the testimony of Pastor EJ & Christine Rapada.After the education presentation we enjoyed the special  dinner prepared by our chef Javier Palma. After the dinner we invited the couples for our rehearsal then at 7 pm we began the ceremony. Pastor Crescentia De Goede was the Master of ceremony and Dr. Greg Agulan and Mrs. Yuka Agulan Officiated the blessing Ceremony.Mr Joseph and Dr. Elvia Green, Ambassador of peace was the representative couple.

 During the ceremony the couple re dedicate their marriage with the blessing of our true parents. We can see how inspired they are during the ceremony. Mr. Peter lewis offered the Congratulatory song, everyone was so happy with the song he sang. After the performance Mr. Atsushi Takino offered 3 cheers of Mansie. The couple gave some good feedback about the event. And us the Ministry leaders with the support of our Pastor, we are really inspired to host another blessing.


Hector Soto and Wanda Garcia
Family Center, Newark NJ

I would like to express my gratitude for inviting me to participate in the Marriage Rededication Ceremony especially to my friends Magda Rapada and Pastor EJ. This is truly a wonderful experience and a great blessing. As a Christian I believe that it is important to keep our marriages together no matter the circumstances and to put God and Jesus in the center of the relationship. Also, I am very interested to continue the journey of the 40 days purification period to receive the fullness of God’s love and blessing. Thank you.