Remembering of Heroes

May 31, 2021

It has always been the tradition in New Jersey’s Clifton Family Church to hold a Memorial Day Service for our Unification heroes – those family members who have fought the good fight and who have passed on to the spiritual world. We are aware that losing a loved one is a challenging and lonely experience.

Over the years, New Jersey has extended their celebration to include New York members as well. So, with state COVID-19 guidelines loosening a little, the celebration took place in-person for family members and virtually for friends. Each attendee supplied a photo and prepared a portion of their loved one’s favorite food to offer to them upon our memorial altar.

The program included prayers, testimonies, and a sermon given by the local pastor Crescentia DeGoede, which touched the hearts of those who attended the event. These activities were followed by the calling of each individual’s name, a flower offering and the ringing of a chime for each honoree. After a benediction and cheer of mansei, the gathering moved to the Fellowship Hall for a meal and sharing. Although no one ever really gets over the loss of a loved one, the task is to adjust and create a fresh life narrative. Hopefully, the support of friends and family make it a little better and a little easier.

Memorial Day Photos