CARP-2 Workshop

CARP NJ held a virtual, 2 Day Divine Principle workshop on June 17 and 18. We had 44 people join us in learning about the core values of the Divine Principle. Whether it was refreshing ourselves on something we have heard before or hearing life changing information for the first time, we came together to grow ourselves, deepen our relationship with God, learn how we can create ideal families, and create a world that God hopes to see.

Some powerful testimonies from participants:

“I could really feel everyone’s heart in each lecture, presentation, and Q&A. This is really what made this DP workshop stand out from the rest and I applaud you all!”

“I really respect True Parents because they managed to overcome many obstacles that seemed impossible and accomplished many goals to make God happy again.”

“This workshop really understand more about the divine principle and made me really treasure more the importance of my purity and how True parents really counts on us second gens”

“I’m very grateful that I was invited to this workshop. At first, I came just to kind of observe and inherit from different lecturers, but by the end I really felt like I gained a deeper understanding of principle and God’s heart behind the words He shares with us. I think as second gen, it’s easy for us to feel like we already know divine principle and there isn’t much for us to learn, but I’ve found that no matter how many times I hear it, it always brings about new inspirations and a deeper level of understanding. My biggest takeaway was how important I am as a part of this movement. Even though I don’t always feel very significant, I realized that I am a representative of God and True Parents and God really needs me (and all of us) to play a role in restoring this world back to the original ideal. Through this workshop, I was able to tap into a deep desire to know principle and to share it with others, the way you guys did with us.”