
After hosting online services due to COVID-19, YUM hosted its first in-person service at the Clifton Family Church after 18 months. There were 55 people in attendance, including 7 children (6 year olds and younger) and staff. A mix of young families and many young adult singles.

The program started at 6pm, with a BBQ out on the courtyard with delicious hamburgers, hot dogs, coleslaw, cookies, watermelon, and drinks. At 7:30pm, the service kicked off with a semi-professional band covering Holy Songs and Christian songs. Samuel Tamalessio shared his WING (Why I Need God) testimony about breaking through with his relationship with his father. Young adult pastor, Joe Leonard, gave the main message about the importance of practicing Principle in all areas of life.

After the service, there was some fellowship among the participants and it was an incredible program thanks to the dedication of the YUM staff and the band for over several weeks.