ACLC Prayer Luncheon – We Are God’s Ambassadors


On October 30th, about 31 people participated through Zoom for last month’s Prayer Luncheon. This month’s speaker was Rev. Don Baltazar, ACLC Chairman of Hudson county, Chairman of ACE responsible to rewrite the organization’s Articles of Faith, and founding member of the Filipino Federation of Seventh Day Adventists.

Rev Don began by clarifying that in order to defend and protect each other, we must first love each other. He compared the current reality of moral and social decline in the US to the fall of Rome, pointing out causes and parallels by highlighting excerpts from a book by Joseph Unwin (“Sex and Culture”), excerpts from the Holy Bible mostly from the book of Romans, and also excerpts from the Divine Principle. Among the causes of societal decline mentioned were idolizing material wealth and self, losing proper sexuality between husband and wife in marriage which leads to promiscuity, prostitution and confusion about sexual identity, emphasis on pleasure without bearing children, and the desires of the flesh taking over the mind.

Rev Baltazar said that the solution will be “abiding in Christ” and getting to “the spotless condition as before the Fall.” He concluded with a main point, “We are a unifying movement for families on the earth in the Last Days. We are God’s ambassadors.”