1-Day DP Workshop

I Want to Strengthen and
Feel God’s Presence

Subregion 1 CARP held a One-Day Workshop at the White in Tarrytown New York. About 34 participants listened to the Chapters of the Divine Principles given by 2nd Generations.

Please read their reflection below:

Guest 1 Reflection:

“It felt so nice to learn about God with so many people who want to know him as well. I’m so happy that I came. I want to strengthen my relationship with God and this workshop really makes me want to proceed with my journey to discover God and His amazing glory.”

Guest 2 Reflection:

“I’m a hermit crab however EVERYONE was so warm and welcoming. I truly felt God’s presence. I also received clarity on the downfall of humanity originating with Adam and Eve. The explanations were so logical. The overall experience well planned, welcoming, inspiring and for lack of a greater word amazing. God is truly rejoicing at this very moment.”

Guest 3 Reflection:

“It is incredible how it took me so many years to finally receive answers for some of the questions that I’ve had since I was a kid and I started learning about God. They were normal questions that everybody had through their life but when I asked them people would make me feel like I should not have them.”

Staff Reflection:

“I really got to practice faith- to invest my heart together with the whole staff team with sincerity, trusting that all will come. I can see how devotion never goes away- when we care deeply for people to know the truth and transform their lives to come to God, it doesn’t matter how many challenges they have or misunderstandings at this moment and it’s not something to stress about, but rather to continue investing without ceasing. I feel this to Nia and Yami. The past few weeks I have been working on getting past my fears and stop blocking God from working due to that… My offering, even in its imperfections, is something I finally feel I can offer without holding back. I gave everything I could and I am grateful for this chance.”