Halloween Party


On Saturday, October 30th, the Clifton Family Church hosted a Halloween Party for all the Young Families, kids and youth. We welcomed guests from other communities like the youth from Bridgeport, New York, Pennsylvania, and some young families from Long Island, New York, KEA, and the Elizabeth community. This was a collaborated effort from the youth ministry, led by our youth pastor Yasutaka Ozawa, and the Blessing and Family Ministry team led by Che Consoro and Eunmi Rangala. The program started with a welcome from Pastor Crescentia, followed by a prepared lunch, and various activities.

After  the event, the young Families expressed their love to all the staff. They said they are thankful and grateful to our community for offering this kind of event for the families and children. They had an amazing time together. We also had a guest who attended our church event for the first time. She said she will come again because she felt loved and welcomed. She said our pastor and the church members are so kind and friendly. The families who came from other communities said they are willing to support for the next celebration, because their children were so happy and had so much fun.

Che is really grateful for Yasutaka and Eunmi for helping and organizing this event. They are amazing! And also, the volunteers.