Our True Children’s Day Festival

On Sunday November 7th, the Clifton Family Church held their True Children’s Day Festival conjunction with the Sunday and Holy Day Service. About 160 adults and 45 Sunday School children attended the event. Pastor Crescentia and her family led the congregation in pledge service and gave a message about treating everyone, (adults and children) as God sees through his loving eyes. After everyone enjoyed a Holy Day lunch, festive activities were organized in order to really celebrate True Children’s Day.

The purpose of the activities was to make Holy Days more festive as well as reflect the meaning of the event. For True Children’s Day, we organized a bouncy castle, and rock painting for the children. The whole community was encouraged to play a a quick game of musical chairs with the whole community, and an apple dance for the couples to liven their hearts.

For musical chairs and the dance, we gave a Family Package and Sakurabana gift card as their prize. 
