A Holly Jolly YUM


On December 1, 2021 the YUM ministries held its 4th monthly gathering of young adults and young families since August. There were 68 people in attendance: 12 third generation, 48 second generation and 8 first generation. We are very happy that we are attracting a multi generational crowd. There was a full pasta, chicken Parmesan, eggplant Parmesan, baked ziti – and other Italian delights – dinner for everyone. After service we capped off the evening with Boba for everyone.

Dinner started at 6 PM, followed by evening service at 7:30 PM. The YUM band – rockin, smooth and uplifting – charged up the room and even had little kids and moms dancing together.

Nori To gave a WING (why I need God) testimony about trials and challenges where he discovered God and experienced his mom‘s Divine heart.

Raymond Burns gave the main talk entitled “Pursuing the Dreams You Had as a Child.“. Ray recounted numerous challenges through his teens, adulthood and in marriage and parenting. He shared how he kept focused on what he wanted most in his life despite obstacles and difficulties and the major role of undying support from his wife which made those pursuits possible. Ray is a dynamic and entertaining speaker as well as profound with insights about life.

The monthly YUM gatherings intend to create an open, embracing and celebratory environment where our young adults and young families feel comfortable, loved and valued. That goal is getting closer with every service. Praise God and True Parents!