New Jersey Holy Grounds

New Holy Grounds in Nutley and Hackensack


When Dr. Yong visited and prayed at the Holy Ground in Trenton,NJ, he received the inspiration to multiply Holy Grounds in every county within District 3. Pastor Crescentia and Assistant Pastor Takino received this inspiration sincerely, and they took some soil and rock from the Holy Ground in Trenton and have since held two holy ground planting ceremonies on 11/20 and 11/21. One location was in Nutley in Essex County and the other in Hackensack in Bergen County, NJ.

At Nutley’s Holy Ground, one sister shared that she felt the spirit of Rev. Kathaleen Sato, one of our community members who ascended to the spirit world last year, next to her during the installation ceremony. She was grateful to have the Holy Ground established in that park as Rev. Sato would take her daily walk in prayer through this park.

At Hackensack’s Holy Ground, while the members were looking for a location, one sister felt something in one particular tree in Johnson Park. She felt this tree told her “thank you” for coming to this tree. During the installation ceremony, the community members gathered noticed this park’s name, Johnson, was similar to the Korean word Jeonseong or Sincere Devotion. They also felt that they need to invest their Jeonseong in prayer there.

We will be continue to plant more Holy Grounds in District 3, as more locations are decided by the members.