2022 Cosmic Blessing Banquet and Ceremony

Cosmic Blessing Banquet and Ceremony

On April 15th, 2022 the Clifton Family Church of New Jersey, celebrated and welcomed 5 new couples to the community of Blessed Families through a Celebratory Banquet, Holy Wine Ceremony and Blessing Ceremony.

This was followed by a deep and meaningful Holy Wine Ceremony for the two couples participating. The ceremony was officiated by Rev. Crescentia and Leighton DeGoede.

 In addition to those hailing from NJ, couples participated from California, New York and Pennsylvania. Three of the couples had one or more spouses who were originally from other countries including Japan, Korea, New Zealand and Cote d Ivoire.

The celebration began with a Banquet before the main ceremony. The participating couples and guests were very happy and amazed with the beautiful and elaborate decorations and delicious dinner prepared and served by members of the Clifton Family Church. District 3 and Clifton Family Church Pastor, Rev. Crescentia DeGoede gave the opening remarks. A prayer was offered by our Assistant Pastor Atsushi Takino. Leighton DeGoede led everyone in a celebratory toast. As the couples happily enjoyed their meals, they listened to a live band led by Jessmar Bahian and Masaki Saito, singing romantic songs, several of which had been requested by the couples. Couples took advantage of the beautiful setting and took many photos with their family and friends. A second generation couple, Mr. Frone and Mrs. Laura Kaufman presided over the banquet as the emcees. 

By 7:30pm, the main event began with over one hundred family, friends and guests of the participating couples in attendance. Mr. Frone Kaufman served as the emcee for the Blessing Ceremony. The ceremony began with the procession of the brides and grooms, attendees, and the officiators. In conjunction with the live broadcast from Korea, officiated by True Mother, local officiants, Rev. Crescentia and Leighton DeGoede sprinkled Holy Water over the couples and led them in the exchange of rings and affirmation of the vow. Participants were moved by True Mother’s beautiful prayer and powerful proclamation. A heavenly spirit prevailed throughout the entire Blessing Ceremony. 

Rev. DeGoede then offered a congratulatory message, and Pastor Emiljun Rapada, the Pastor of Elizabeth Family Church gave a word of thanks to all those who supported the success of the banquet and ceremony. The ceremony concluded with cake cutting and giving of gifts to the couples, and victory cheers of Mansei led by Pastor Takino. A spirit of joy and excitement was in the air. 

Couples and guests expressed that they were moved by the heartfelt support and warm welcome by the community, and expressed tremendous gratitude for the Blessing they received and everything that surrounded it. Clifton Family Church was delighted to host this Blessing program and look forward to the next one.

Blessing Ceremony