DeMott Ladies Tea:
Providing Sisterly Report

On Saturday May 7th, a long anticipated event was held once again at the Clifton Church. It was the annual Demott Ladies League Spring Tea Luncheon. 30 Women attended the afternoon Tea, 12 first generation women, 13 second generation women, 2 third generation daughters, and 3 guests. It was beautiful to see Grandmothers, mothers, sisters and daughters and friends all sitting together, celebrating friendship, family, and God’s Feminine grace.  Among the participants were three guests who are new to the community. The 2 hour long program was a traditional three course English afternoon tea, with special activities including  an ice breaker game of tea trivia, an inspirational message from Pastor Cresentia centered on our True Mothers words about the special role of women in the world, and a make-your-own tea take-home activity.

THe purpose of the event was to create a space for women to come together and bond in fellowship as sisters and friends, nurturing a sense of community and sisterly support within the clifton church community, and provide a welcoming and comfortable environment to invite guests and acquaint them with our community.

The event was a huge success enjoyed by all who attended,members and guests alike. one guest provided this comment: “I had the best day and I am so thankful for the invite! It’s been so long since I was that relaxed. I loved the table of ladies I sat with, we laughed a lot. I want to attend the next program the Demott Ladies League puts on in the future.”

Special thanks is given to the following team of ladies who helped put on this event: Sunmarie B., Karoline A, Una M, Shannon L, Diane J, Andria QR, and Naria M