2-Day Divine Principle

2-Day Divine Principle

On May 20-21, CARP New Jersey held a 2-Day Workshop at the Clifton Family Church covering the core contents of the Divine Principle. There were a total of 46 participants which included 17 members from Generation Peace Academy (GPA) and 5 spiritual guests from CARP. The workshop started off with an exciting icebreaker activity where participants had the opportunity to step outside of their comfort zone through an intense game of rock-paper-scissors.

Shortly after icebreakers, Sasha Okon, the Master of Ceremonies (MC), gave an introduction to CARP to kick-off the workshop and Shogo Nakaza, CARP New Jersey Director, gave some opening remarks. Participants were split into smaller groups, called families, where family leaders led discussions on the Divine Principle content and helped to build a culture of listening and care. There were a total of 4 lecturers given by CARP Leaders: Samuel Tamelessio debuted giving the Principles of Creation lecture, Yujin Angolio gave the Fall of Man lecture, Keisetsu Nakamura gave the Mission of Messiah lecture, and Shogo Nakaza gave a lecture on the Introduction to Restoration.

Some participants were hearing the Divine Principle for the first time, but God’s Heart could be expressed through the lecturers: God’s Heart at the time of creation, God’s Heart at the time of the Fall, and God’s Heart striving to save his lost children.

At the conclusion of this workshop, Arick Iglesias, a 1st year student from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, gave a short testimony reaffirming his love towards CARP and the culture of gratitude and heart that we embody. Yujin Angolio, President of CARP Princeton, also testified about the amazing experience that one of her guests, Brian Mmari, had as a result of attending his first Divine Principle Workshop. Brian is eager to continue to build a relationship with CARP and connect with CARP members in New Jersey.

Through the meaningful activities, the principled education and discussions, and the delicious meals prepared by CARP parents, a beautiful and unforgettable workshop environment could be felt by all participants. GPA contributed greatly to the creation of this environment. We are looking forward to continuing building relationships with our guests and following up with them through one-on-one Divine Principle study during the summer.