Welcoming Nancy Jubb and Jake Lavina!

Welcoming Nancy Jubb and Jake Lavina

Assistant Pastor

Clifton Family Church is excited to welcome Mrs. Nancy Jubb, who will serve together with Pastor Takino as the Assistant Pastors to Clifton Family Church. She brings a wealth of professional and personal experience in communication skills to our community. “My goal is to serve this community so that each and every person may truly come to know that they are a son or daughter of God.” Pastor Nancy will also continue in her role as the Communications Director for Family Federation USA nationally while also serving locally. She and her husband Matthew Jubb recently celebrated their 18th Blessing Anniversary and are parents to 4 beautiful daughters, aged 12, 10, 6, and 3.

Young Adult Care Coordinator for CARP

We would also like to extend a very warm welcome to Jake Lavina who will serve as the Young Adult Care Coordinator for Clifton Family Church. Jake joined the church in the Philippines back in 2008 and since then has been active in full-time missions all over the world serving in various roles but always working with young adults. As more and more guests are connecting to our community through the CARP programs, Jake will be there to serve the needs of our newer single members and to provide support and guidance as needed. He is currently matched and engaged and eagerly waiting to attend the upcoming Cosmic Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony in Korea together this May.