The Matching Support Community started as a second gen initiative after the online All About Matching workshop that was held in the summer of 2020. Starting with the idea of creating a community of sisters to support one another before, during, and after the Matching, a group of sisters from around the world formed that meets once a month for around 1.5-2 hours. We democratically created the structure of these meetings based off of what was voted as the most valuable factors for such a support community.

The focus of this group is to:

  • Create a space where people can share openly and honestly

  • Hear from other experiences about the Matching and Blessing

  • Have a place to connect in a community

  • Offer a space where people can grow and prepare to become better future spouses. 

After a year has passed, it was evident that this group was extremely impactful and needed. Seeing this, inspired us to continue and try to further grow our community.

If you are 18+ years of age, speak English and have embarked on your Matching journey (single or matched, or anywhere in between), then we are looking for you! 

We would love to see many old and new faces during our kick-off meeting on September 18, 2021 at 12 p.m. (EDT). For more details about the meeting, please check out the flyer.

If you have any questions or you would like more information, please feel free to reach out to us under the following email address: 

Team: Grace Burns (USA), Melissa Manor (USA), Seong-Oea Bien (USA, Matching Advisor), Afi Kalama (Kenya), and Nam-mi Kölbener (Switzerland)

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