Brief Report of Blessing Events

Four Generation Family at the Peruvian Festival

June 19, 2021 – North Bergen

30 couples received the Blessing. Help came from the 2nd Gen.: Jemlyn, Shiho & Reina

This was our first Blessing activity. Every vendor lined up and waited to be assigned a spot along Bergen Blvd.

Then came our turn, the staff member asked: “What are you selling?”

I replied: “Priceless items”  

July 10, 2021 – Memorial Park, Clifton

40+ couples received the Blessing.

 A big thank you to Mrs. Hatsue Ikeda, Mrs. Fumiko Nakashima and Mrs. Kikuko Klawitter (The Apron Sisters). They came to assist and brought TF & TM biographies to distribute to couples who received the Blessing.

Congratulations to Mrs. Kikuko Klawitter who completed the Blessing of 430 couples few days before this Blessing event!

July 18, 2021 – Lyndhurst Flea Market

40+ couples received the Blessing.

The Apron (1) Sisters came to support members in their blessing efforts.

Despite an unfavorable weather forecast at the beginning of the day, the sun was hiding behind some clouds showing its face from time to time. In other words, it was a friendly weather.

  • A multiple pockets front kitchen apron that contains every blessing tool (Holy Wine, Hole Water, Sanitizer, 2 or 3 pens).

July 25, 2021 – Clifton Jubilee Park

40+ couples received the Blessing.

 A big thank you to Mrs. Hatsue Ikeda, Mrs. Fumiko Nakashima and Mrs. Kikuko Klawitter (The Apron Sisters). They came to assist and brought TF & TM biographies to distribute to couples who received the Blessing.

Congratulations to Mrs. Kikuko Klawitter who completed the Blessing of 430 couples few days before this Blessing event!

The PASSAIC COUNTY FAIR -Woodland Park – August 12 to 15

Wow… we had a blast, about 100+ couples were blessed over 4 days. The set up was conveniently set for people to go towards booths that had promotional gifts lined-up. We were in the non-for-profit organization category. People would easily stop looking for something to take and most of them would leave blessed.

The overall environment was about fun and feast. The challenge was for us to be in the same mood in order to make a connection with them.

Couples who received the Blessing were invited to get a family or couple [husband wife] picture in front of a green screen and later have it transformed with a more artistic background, which is sent to them by email as a follow up program.

Congratulations to Rev. Barry Geller for completing the Blessing goal during the fair!

Memorial Park Clifton NJ – September 11, 2021

About 20 couples were blessed.

The weather was ideal and most people had an open mind. Yet let’s not lose sight that, as good a crowd gathering a flea market is, people are looking for bargains and are ready to negotiate prices on new and used items.

This market place was no different from the other markets we attended. Our ability to conduct the blessing is to break the shell that keeps us safe and give us the power to approach someone and share the good news. 

Anything small enough to contain will never be enough to attain. The blessing or the spiritual authority to give the blessing, bestowed by the True Parents is so big to be contained that it has to be shared [attained].

October 9, 2021 – Main Memorial Park, Clifton NJ

On that day, about 20 couples were blessed.

As soon as we arrived at the Clifton Main Memorial Park, the Flea Market area was quickly filling up with vendors and their tents, and the central spots were already taken. All was left was the extreme end of the market. At the time we arrived it looked like the end of it. And so, we started to unfold the tent, the tables and chairs… preparing to make the best of the circumstances. 

Yet, history has shown time and again that God always shows a picture of where He is leading us to, never does He show us what we are going through, and so I visualized us going anywhere instead of staying in the tent, as we were told so many times by the flea market promoters.

“Please stay inside your tent, do not stop people, wait for them to come to you!”

We were coming towards the end of the outdoor flea market season and waiting for people to come to us was not an option. Stepping out of the tent was not a second thought decision, even if it meant to be banned from the last events of the season.

It didn’t take too long before a vendor came next to our tent and started to set tables, racks and boxes filled with clothes, unloaded from 10 U-Haul trucks. Literally taking 1000 sq feet of space with a large staff of assistants…our direct neighbor, what a blessing!

In a few minutes, it became clear that it was the largest vendor of the day. During the course of the day, it was the rallying spot to find bargains. There was no need to look for couples elsewhere. They were right there!

We give praise and glory to our True Parents for this Blessing Providence and for the grace we receive each time we turn to someone else and share the blessing joyfully and purposely.

In conclusion, the blessing activities continues, only the flea market blessing stops. But guess what? Though 2021 is ending, another year is about to start. we’ll resume and continue our effort, the flea market way, in Spring 2022.

Congratulations to all couples who received the blessing from you*