Exploring the Divine Principle

Over the course of the 4-week program, Miyoung Eaton had led 13 different brothers and sisters over a Zoom call. By the final week, the number had dropped to just a few people; but even such a small group was still able to generate meaningful and energetic conversation around the Principle. The program covered the Introduction in two sessions and section 6 of Chapter 1, the Principle of Creation, in two sessions, with the responsibility to read the relevant sections before the call. Our basic call structure was: prayer to open, check-ins (1 high and 1 low from the past week or 1 gratitude), discussion of passages that stuck out to us, final takeaways from the session, and prayer to close. One of the main victories of the program was that it achieved the purpose of creating an intergenerational space to explore how to apply the Principle in our lives.

“In the end, I realized that even though I was the group facilitator, as one of the youngest participants, part of my offering was to humbly learn and inherit from my elders’ experience and perspective. It was really delightful to hear them share, and they testified to how inspiring it was to be able to discuss the Principle and share, too…On behalf of everyone who participated in our 4-week pilot program, I’d like to offer this small program, initiated by Pastor Crescentia and supported by Pastor Takino and Rev. Denneze Nelson, as a small condition for intergenerational unity of heart, and I pray that all who participated are able to keep paving the way of connecting in heart as parents and children, brothers and sisters, and husband and wife in their own lives and in our community on this foundation. Thank you!”

-Mi Young Eaton