Category: Membership Corner
Matching Support Community
The Matching Support Community started as a second gen initiative after the online All About Matching workshop that was held in the summer of 2020. Starting with the idea of creating a community of sisters to support one another before, during, and after the Matching, a group of sisters from around the world formed that…
Remembering of Heroes
Remembering of Heroes May 31, 2021 It has always been the tradition in New Jersey’s Clifton Family Church to hold a Memorial Day Service for our Unification heroes – those family members who have fought the good fight and who have passed on to the spiritual world. We are aware that losing a loved one…
Small Group Outing: Passaic County Church Clean Up service
The Passaic County Small Group cleaned up the church last Saturday as part of their small groups. Thirteen people came to clean the back ally of the church building, which was piled with junk. They flattened and recycled the old boxes and raked the leaves. It now looks fresh and new. Thank Passaic County Small…
Council Nomination for Clifton Family Church
The Clifton Family Church Council is accepting nominations for new council members. Here is a link to the nomination form and the duties and eligibility requirements of council members. Please note that while we look forward to having members from all backgrounds participate in the council, we are especially in need of those who are good with financial and building matters (such…